Festival 2024
This year, FAIR SHARE turns five – and we want to celebrate with you!
We’re taking this opportunity to collectively reflect on progress in the sector so far, celebrate what we’ve all accomplished and plot our next steps towards a more feminist social impact sector. And for the first time, we’ll bring together our international and German communities in person.
So what can you expect? Presentations of the FAIR SHARE Monitors, workshops on Feminist Leadership and other topics, somatic breaks, network meetings, and – of course – a party. There’s something in the three days for everyone!
Find more information and check out the programme below.
Our journey so far
FAIR SHARE of Women Leaders aims to spark and sustain a feminist transformation of the social impact sector in Germany and internationally. So far we have:
Developed and run five editions of the FAIR SHARE Monitor, the first measurement tool for gender-equitable representation in leadership positions in civil society
Run an eight-week webinar series on Feminist Leadership with over 4000 unique registrations from around the world
Set up a virtual home for Feminist Leaders, now in its pilot phase, together with One Future Collective
Established the Women Leadership Lab, Germany’s first feminist leadership programme
Secured commitments to gender equity from 32 international and 26 German organisations, including Oxfam, BRAC, Amnesty and Amref Health Africa

Registration coming soon!

Become a Festival Partner!
Want to join us in driving a feminist transformation in the social impact sector? Then become a FAIR SHARE Festival partner!
Get in touch today to find out what this can mean for your organisation.

Zara Rahman
German and International FAIR SHARE Monitor Presentations
Juliana Shrestha
Workshop: Feminist Mentoring (WEDU)
Joanna Maycock
Workshop: How to Support Feminidt Leadership in NGOs?
Jules Lynch
Workshop: Building inclusive change networks (Global Girl Project)
Hannah White-Steele
Workshop: Building inclusive change networks (Global Girl Project)
Rhianon Bader
Lightning Talk - International FAIR SHARE Monitor
Tarah-Tanita Truderung
Keynote speaker - Diversity Fair
Killa Schuetze
Diversity Fair Workshop: Intersektionalität - wie geht das?
Dr. Cassandra Ellerbe
Diversity Fair Workshop: Machtkritischer Blick auf D&I
Tara Hawk
Diversity Fair Workshop: Wie kann DIE feministischer sein
Dania Gharaibeh
Lightning Talk - International FAIR SHARE Monitor
Lourdes Rivas
Workshop: Building Power: Strengthening Feminist Digital Infrastructures
Dr. Hedda Ofoole Knoll
Workshop: Intersectional Monitoring
Location: Robert Bosch Stiftung
Französische Straße 32, 10117 Berlin
Registration coming soon
closed event for
open event,
registration required
open event
For questions, feel free to contact festival@fairsharewl.org.
May 13, monday
May 13
Arrival and coffee
Atrium / Reception, ground floor
May 13
Feminist Funding in Germany
How do we secure more funding for feminist initiatives in Germany? Invited participants will explore this question and next steps together.
Language: German
Orangerie/Kaminlounge, 5th floor
May 13
Welcome words & keynote
Our special guest speaker Tarah-Tanita Truderung, and Siri Hummel from the Maecenata Foundation will kick off the Festival.
Language: German
Atrium, ground floor
May 13
Diversity fair
A collaboration between FAIR SHARE and Maecenata Foundation, supported by the Deutschen Stiftung für Ehrenamt und Engagement.
Come and network with D&I specialists and organizations presenting their projects on inclusivity and diversity at our fair. Featuring a variety of short workshops on topics related to organisational culture and structures.
See below for in-person workshops.
Click here for the online workshops (German).
Language: German
Atrium, groundfloor
& Online

May 14
Workshop: Intersectionality in Praxis
With Killa Schuetze, a collaboration with the Maecenata Institute.
Language: German
Conference room (1.5), 1st floor
Workshop: A power-critical look at D&I
With Dr. Cassandra Ellerbe, a collaboration with the Maecenata Institute.
Language: German
Workshop room 1.1, 1st floor
Workshop: Feminist Perspectives on Diversity in education
With Tara Hawk, a collaboration with the Maecenata Institute.
Language: English
Room 1.3, 1st floor
May 14
Workshop: Intersectionality in Praxis
With Killa Schuetze, a collaboration with the Maecenata Institute.
Language: German
Conference room (1.5), 1st floor
Workshop: A power-critical look at D&I
With Dr. Cassandra Ellerbe, a collaboration with the Maecenata Institute.
Language: German
Workshop room 1.1, 1st floor
Workshop: Feminist Perspectives on Diversity in education
With Tara Hawk, a collaboration with the Maecenata Institute.
Language: English
Room 1.3, 1st floor
May 13
FAIR SHARE Donors’ meeting
A first-ever exchange between FAIR SHARE’s financial partners.
Language: German
Lampenraum, ground floor
May 13
German Committed Organisations meeting
An in-person meeting for the German organisations who have made the FAIR SHARE Commitment.
Language: German
Workshop room 1.2, 1st floor
May 13
Somatic session
Reconnect your mind and body in a short somatic session, designed to help you let go of the day. Facilitated by Helen Workneh.
Language: English/German
Workshop room 1.1, 1st floor
May 13
Women LeadersHIP Lab network meeting
An evening for alumni of the Women Leadership Lab to come together across cohorts.
Language: German
Atrium, ground floor
May 14, tuesday
May 14
Arrival and coffee
Atrium / Reception, ground floor
May 14
German monitor presentation
Welcome remarks by Atje Drexler from the Robert Bosch Foundation and Federal Minister Lisa Paus.
We present our analysis of this year’s data from German social impact organisations.
With lightning talks from Mareike von Raepke from Youth For Understanding, Samera Bartsch from the DeZIM-Institut, Jan Peter Schemmel from WWF Germany.
Language: German
Atrium, ground floor

May 14
Atrium, ground floor
May 14
international monitor presentation
At this hybrid event, we share the latest figures on women’s representation in the international social impact sector.
With lightning talks from Rhianon Bader from Skateistan, and Dania Gharaibeh from Care International.

Language: English
Atrium, ground floor & Online
May 14
coffee break
Atrium, ground floor
May 14
Workshop: INTERSECTIONAL monitoring
Join our process of exploring how to make the FAIR SHARE Monitor more intersectional, not just in its outcome but also in its process. Facilitated by Dr. Hedda Ofoole Knoll.
Language: German
Orangerie/Kaminlounge, 5th floor
Workshop: Leading in Part-Time
What role can part-time models play in new leadership approaches to allow more people access to leadership positions and to establish more flexible leadership structures? Anna Riecken from the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women, and Youth will share insights and recommendations from a current project in this workshop and discuss new forms of leadership.
Language: German
Workshop room 1.3, 1st floor
May 14
Workshop: Building inclusive CHANGE networks
Join Jules Lynch and Hannah White-Steele from Global Girl Project for this session on how we develop truly inclusive and feminist networks that can be accessed by the most marginalised, accounting for language and digital literacy.
Language: English
Conference room (1.5), 1st floor
Workshop: Feminist Mentoring
Juliana Shrestha from Wedu will share key insights from their research on how feminist mentoring can advance women’s leadership and participants experience peer mentoring hands-on.
Language: English
Workshop room 1.1, 1st floor
Workshop: shifting power
What does it take to build a global non-profit for change, at the same time as shifting power? Kate Muhezi and Charity Bafana from Restless Development will share their experience and allow a space for participants to exchange on best practices.
Language: English
Workshop room 1.2, 1st floor
May 14
WOrkshop: Building power: Strengthening feminist digital infrastructures
A session by Jensine Larsen and Lourdes Rivas from World Pulse and FAIR SHARE to explore the concept of feminist digital infrastructures and how they can contribute to strengthening feminist movements.
Language: English
Conference room (1.5), 1st floor
WOrkshop: Shifting Power
What does it take to build a global non-profit for change, at the same time as shifting power? Kate Muhezi und Charity Bafana from Restless Development will share their journey and participants will exchange best practices.
Language: English
Workshop room 1.1, 1st floor
Workshop: How to support Feminist Leadership in NGOs
Joanna Maycock facilitates an interactive session based on the recently published report on women CSO leaders and systemic change.
Workshop room: English
Room 1.2, 1st floor
May 14
Somatic session
Reconnect your mind and body in a short somatic session, designed to help you let go of the day. Facilitated by Pasquale Rotter.
Language: English/German
Workshop room 1.1, 1st floor
May 14
FAIR SHARE Birthday celebration
Eat, drink, dance and be merry because it’s FAIR SHARE’s fifth birthday! We’ll also take this opportunity to publicly launch the Feminist Leadership Hub, together with One Future Collective.

Terrace, 5th floor
May 15, wednesday
May 15
Arrival and coffee
Atrium / Reception, ground floor
May 15
Advisory Council meeting
FAIR SHARE’s newly instated Advisory Council meets in person for the first time.
Language: English
Workshop room 1.2, 1st floor
May 15
International Committed Organisations meeting
A first-ever in-person meeting of international organisations who have made the FAIR SHARE Commitment.
Language: English
Workshop room 1.1, 1st floor
May 15
FAIR SHARE Members Meeting
FAIR SHARE’s recently expanded membership meets in person for the first time
Language: English
Room 1.2, 1st floor
May 15
Closed session on (Anti)Racism
FAIR SHARE and the Norwegian Refugee Council will host a space for those in the sector who identity as racialised and experience gender-based oppression to share their experiences and perspectives on racism/anti-racism in the sector.
Note: while we recognise that gender norms harm everyone, this session is intended for those who identify as e.g. women, intersex, trans, or non-binary who also experience racism.
Language: English
Room 1.1, 1st floor
May 15
Data Advisory Committee
A first in-person meeting for FAIR SHARE’s newly formed Data Advisory Committee to discuss data strategy.
Language: English
Conference Room (1.5), 1st floor
May 15
Lunch and closing
Atrium, ground floor
Fair share festival 2024 partners

Frequently asked questions
The Robert Bosch Stiftung (Französische Straße 32, 10117 Berlin) is wheelchair-accessible. There is one wheel-chair accessible bathroom on the group floor.
There is also a designated quiet room should you be overstimulated at any point or need support from the awareness team (more info below). There is also a room that can be used for praying or nursing. These are on the second floor.
We ask about accessibility needs during registration and will do our best to accommodate them. If you have more specific questions, please get in touch with festival@fairsharewl.org.
There is one designated gender-neutral bathroom, which is also the wheelchair-accessible bathroom, on the ground floor. We recognise that this set-up is problematic as each group should have their own designated space rather than being forced to share resources. We apologise for this inaccessibility.
DisCheck will provide support should you feel uncomfortable, unsafe, or discriminated against during the Festival. You can identify them with green vests and/or nametags. You can also contact them anonymously through QR codes around the space. There is a designated quiet room on the second floor where you can speak to them privately or get other forms of support from them.
There are many groups for whom COVID-19 still poses a serious threat. We therefore ask everyone to test themselves before coming to the Festival, and that you do not attend the Festival if you have any symptoms (regardless of test results). We will also have some tests on hand, so in case you forget you can request one at the check-in area.
Lunch will be provided on Tuesday and Wednesday. Dinner will also be provided at the birthday celebration on Tuesday evening. All food will be vegan and vegetarian, and snacks and coffee/tea/water will be provided throughout the festival.
When registering, you can indicate any dietary requirements.
FAIR SHARE has not booked a block for festival participants, but a hotel we recommend near the venue is Numa | Arc.
Get in touch with festival@fairsharewl.org if you need further information.