The FAIR SHARE Commitment
The FAIR SHARE Commitment is a pledge to:
- Achieve a FAIR SHARE of women in your leadership by 2030 at the latest.
- Actively participate in the annual FAIR SHARE Monitor by sharing your latest figures on the gender distribution of your workforce with us.
The FAIR SHARE Commitment is for leaders who want to take a concrete step towards gender equity and demonstrate their dedication to their staff, external partners and the sector at large. Here’s what else you need to know:
- The FAIR SHARE Commitment is open to international social impact organisations
- FAIR SHARE doesn’t dictate how you should pursue gender equity in your organisation – you know the conditions and challenges of your context best.
- The FAIR SHARE Commitment gives you the opportunity to connect with leaders from fellow Committed Organisations to learn from one another, brainstorm ideas and identify solutions together.
- There are no participation fees
Want to join the community of advocates for gender equity in the social impact sector? Then please send a scan of the signed FAIR SHARE Commitment to

“In the spirit of continual growth, we openly share our data on our staff demographics and our diversity, equity and inclusion commitments overall. We hope this both increases transparency in our efforts and invites healthy challenge and accountability.”
— Andrew Youn, CEO, One Acre Fund
By making the FAIR SHARE Commitment you will benefit from:
- Collaborating and learning from a community of fellow leaders
- Early, high-profile positioning as a change-maker instead of scrambling to catch up
- Increasing your attractiveness and credibility as an employer
- Early access to new FAIR SHARE programs and events, and involvement in the development of new projects
- Visibility at FAIR SHARE events and in FAIR SHARE’s growing network of partners
Publication: Leading for Change
What can organisations do to drive gender equity in their structures?
And what does Feminist Leadership look like in practice?
10 Committed Organisations share their experiments and learnings when it comes to organisational change in our new publication, Leading for Change, including:
- Amref Health International on their GESI Community of Practice
- Restless Development on their co-leadership pilot
- Skateistan on their Girls First policy
What happens next?
After signing the FAIR SHARE Commitment:
- We’ll include your organisation in the current FAIR SHARE Monitor, if this was not already the case.
- We’ll jointly announce your commitment through our channels with content developed in collaboration with your communications team and ED or CEO
- You’ll be added to the email distribution list for the next FAIR SHARE Monitor, so that you’ll receive all the information on time for the start of the next data collection.
- You’ll receive invitations for input, events and collaborations along with other Committed Organisations
“Now more than ever, it is vital for organisations to make a commitment to gender equality, and embody that from within.”
— Quinn McKew, Executive Director, ARTICLE 19

Our committed organisations
28 international social impact organisations have made the FAIR SHARE Commitment. Join these frontrunners who are actively working toward a gender-equitable sector.