






Join us for the virtual launch of the FAIR SHARE Monitor 2024

Let’s look at three dimensions of gender equity in our sector

The sector has the mandate to drive positive change and make our world a more equal, just and safe place. But as long as women in all their diversity remain under-represented in the sector’s leadership, these goals will remain unfulfilled.

To hold the sector accountable to gender equity, we track the proportion of women leaders in now over 80 organisations with the FAIR SHARE Monitor. This data allows us to make the problem visible and supports staff to advocate for change.

But the question of women in leadership has more dimensions – like pay equity and Feminist Leadership – which we want to explore with you at the launch of the FAIR SHARE Monitor 2023. Register now!

 On Tuesday 4 April at 15:00-17:00 CET we will host an online event where participants will:

  • Connect with other participants in 1-on-1 networking rounds
  • Share and discuss the results of the FAIR SHARE Monitor 2023
  • Dive deeper into this topic’s other dimensions, pay equity and Feminist Leadership, in break-out room sessions

Meet the guests and check out the programme below or register now. In the meantime, you can get a preview by watching the recording of last year’s event!

Meet our guests

Angela Oduor Lungati (Host)

Angela Oduor Lungati is a technologist, community builder, and open-source software advocate passionate about building and using appropriate technology tools to impact the lives of marginalised groups. She is the Executive Director at Ushahidi, a global non-profit technology company that helps communities, and co-founder of AkiraChix, a non-profit organization that nurtures generations of women who use technology to develop innovations and solutions for Africa.

Traci L. Baird

Traci Baird, president and CEO of EngenderHealth, is an experienced and respected leader in the women’s health and sexual and reproductive rights field. Previously, she was the Executive Vice President of Programs for a global reproductive health organization, Ipas, where she held numerous leadership positions over more than 20 years. Traci has a Master of Public Health from the University of North Carolina, and has published articles in multiple public health and medical journals.

Jovan Džoli Ulićević

Jovan Džoli Ulićević is a trans activist from Montenegro, active in the country, Western Balkans region and Europe at large. He is the Executive Director of the trans-led feminist organisation Association Spektra and one of the coordinators of the regional trans-led organisation Trans Mreža Balkan.


15-15:10 | Welcoming words
15:10-15:20 | Connecting 1-on-1

We will split into break-out rooms of 2 people to get the chance for some 1-on-1 networking. There will be two rounds of five minutes each.

15:20-15:55 | Monitor results and Q&A

What is the state of gender equity in the sector? Where has their been progress, regress or stagnation since last year? To explore these questions, we will share and discuss the results of the FAIR SHARE Monitor 2023.

15:55-16:40 | Breakout rooms

When signing up, you can choose your preference for one of three dimensions of women in leadership: gender data, pay equity or Feminist Leadership. These conversations will take place in parallel break-out rooms.

  • Monitoring by and for the social impact sector: what would a community-driven accountability tool look like? with Claire Ba, Project Manager FAIR SHARE
  • Gender equity: what’s pay got to do with it? with Traci L. Baird, President and CEO EngenderHealth
  • Feminist Leadership in practice: what would success look like? Guest TBA
16:40-17:00 | Closing

Each break-out room will report back before we close the session.