Join us for the virtual launch of the FAIR SHARE Monitor 2024
Which tools and approaches can help us transform our sector?
Despite the social impact sector’s aim to make the world a more equal, peaceful and just place, many organisations have themselves not yet achieved gender equality: women continue to be underrepresented in the sector’s leadership.
That’s why we monitor the proportion of women on staff and in leadership annually with the FAIR SHARE Monitor.
Missed the event? Check out the recording!
On Thursday 17 March at 11:00-12:30 CET we hosted an online event where participants could:
- Connect with other participants in 1-on-1 networking rounds
- Share and discuss the results of the FAIR SHARE Monitor 2022
- Explore the question of how gender data and Feminist Leadership can drive change
Confirmed guests included Gemma Graham (Restless Development), Lysa John (CIVICUS), Joanna Pradela (IWDA/Equality Insights) Alex Martins (The Equity Index) and Garrett O’Connell (CorrelAid).
11:00-11:10 | Welcoming words
11:10-11:20 | Connecting 1-on-1
We will split into break-out rooms of 2 people to get the chance for some 1-on-1 networking. There will be two rounds of five minutes each.
11:20-11:45 | Monitor results and Q&A
How did women leaders fare in 2021? To explore that question, we will share and discuss the results of the FAIR SHARE Monitor 2022.
11:45-12:15 | Breakout rooms
When signing up, you can choose your preference for one of three break-out rooms:
- Behind the Monitor: The power of indexes and data with Garrett O’Connell (CorrelAid), Alex Martins and Lorriann Robinson (The Equity Index)
- Leading for Change: Feminist Leadership in practice with Gemma Graham (presenting Restless Development‘s co-leadership pilot) and Lysa John (CIVICUS)
- Why we need gender data with Joanna Pradela (IWDA/Equality Insights) and Veena Singh (The Pacific Community)
12:15-12:30 | Closing
Each break-out room will report back before we close the session.
Meet our guests
Gemma Graham
Gemma Graham is Resource Mobilisation Director at Restless Development. She’ll join us to share her experience as an interim Co-CEO as part of the organisation’s co-leadership experiment.
Garrett O’Connell
Garret O’Connell is a data scientist interested in applying data analytic methods (e.g. causal inference, forecasting, ML) to problems in the civil society and non-profit sectors. He volunteers with CorrelAid, a non-partisan, non-profit network that enables data scientists to use their skills for the common good and helps social organisations increase their impact on society through pro bono (Data4Good) projects.
Joanna Pradela
Joanna is Director of Knowledge Translation and Equality Insights at the International Women’s Development Agency. She has a strong record of advocating for social change using evidence-based and multi-stakeholder strategies, and over a decade of experience in the international development and humanitarian sectors, with a focus on research, program management, policy and advocacy.
Alex Martins
Alex is the co-founder of The Equity Index and a researcher, facilitator and advocate dedicated to creating evidence in support of a reformed international development system. She holds an MPhil in Politics from the University of Oxford and a BA from the University of Pennsylvania in International Relations and Theatre Arts. Originally from South Africa, she has lived in Brazil, the U.S. and is currently based in London.
Lorriann Robinson
Lorriann is the co-founder of The Equity Index and director of The Advocacy Team. Previously, she worked with World Vision UK as Senior Policy Adviser and prior to that at the ONE Campaign, where played a leading role in the campaign to enshrine the 0.7% aid target into UK law, helped to raise billions in development finance for health and education programmes in the poorest countries, and secured ground-breaking policy reforms to fight corruption.
Veena Singh
Veena Singh is a Fiji Islander, a feminist, and a woman of colour. She is a feminist development practitioner with more than 15 years of professional experience working specifically on women’s human rights, progressing gender equality and social inclusion, women, peace, and security (UNSCR 1325), human security, community development and more recently in the area of gender statistics. She currently works for the Pacific Community (SPC) in their Human Rights and Social Development Division (HRSD) as their Research Officer (Gender Equality).